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          The family

          Source: Xinhuanet| 2018-09-01 08:31:28|Editor: ZD
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          China and Africa feel close and understand each other, although they are thousands of miles apart.

          Chinese and African peoples share weal and woe, although their skin colors are different.

          Over the past 60 years, Chinese and African peoples have joined their hands to go through hardship and developed brotherhood.

          Xinhua News Agency released a video “The Family” ahead of the upcoming Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit in Beijing.

          (Source: Xinhuanet)

          KEY WORDS:
          在线无码播放黄片,爱爱视频中文网站,亚洲欧美日韩偷拍综合一区,AV激情在线观看免费 亚洲国产视频95 av在线无码永久免费网址

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