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          Medal Tally | Top stories | Focus | Photo | Star athletes | Comments | Schedule
          ??Top News >>
          Blue sky over Beijing with Olympics 5 days away
          ?? Chinese premier promises clean, scenic Beijing during and after Olympics
          ?? Olympic torch brings inspiration, hope to quake-battered Sichuan
          ?? British delegation: Beijing Olympic security not intimidating
          ?? Senior official: Brilliant opening important for success of Olympics
          ?? Sri Lankan President to attend Beijing Olympics
          ?? Rogge: Beijing Olympic Village best ever
          ?? Press freedom shall not go above laws
          ?? Beijing expects no economic downturn after Games
          ?? IOC pleased with Beijing Games preparations
          ?? Official: Timetable for torch relay in Sichuan not changed by aftershock
          ??Olympic Photos >>
          Olympic-themed haircut popular among kids
          ?? Aerial photos of Beijing Olympic venues
          ?? Olympic licensed products
          ?? Celebrations at China Town in Johannesburg
          ?? Fireworks lighten Tiananmen Square
          ?? Olympic torch relay in Guang'an, Sichuan
          ?? Five Olympic rings illuminate National Centre for the Performing Arts
          ?? Night view of Beijing Olympic Village
          ?? Beach volleyball babies rehearse for Olympics
          ?? Fireworks explode over National Stadium during 2nd full dress rehearsal
          ?? Ronaldinho arrives at Shenyang for Olympics
          Which of the following countries do you think will top the Olympic medal tally?
          A. The United States
          B. China
          C. Russia
          Copyright 2000 - 2008 XINHUANET.com??All Rights Reserved. ????????λ?????????????????
          ??????? ?????
          在线无码播放黄片,爱爱视频中文网站,亚洲欧美日韩偷拍综合一区,AV激情在线观看免费 亚洲国产视频95 av在线无码永久免费网址

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